Scottish Friendly is a leading investments firm. Following a period of massive growth, it was time to significantly restructure the business. One area of particular concern was the communication around the Child Trust Fund. The turn-around time on this is 4 weeks, and every year, it’s a scramble to collect all the data needed to process and mail customers their comms. And that’s just for post customers – PDFs attached to customers’ digital statements also need to be loaded onto the system, and some customers needed slips to let them top up the child’s account. Scottish Friendly’s comms processes needed to be thought about holistically. Mail Metrics could find an answer.
Mail Metrics has a long-standing relationship with Scottish Friendly, figuring out end-to-end solutions since 2013. The Child Trust Fund project is an annual undertaking, and every year the project is delivered on target. But this year, it was about more than that – thinking holistically about the delivery of Scottish Friendly’s essential customer comms needed to accommodate the massive growth, and future proof for more down the line. This meant streamlining the look and feel of paper comms going out to customers, and digital comms going into their inbox.
Redesigning and reformatting Scottish Friendly’s essential customer comms meant aesthetically streamlined documents now matched clean data. The right information was getting to the right customer, in the right way, and with the right format and design across all letters, statements and slips. Over 100k newly formatted A3 documents made it to the right places, matched by paperless PDFs. Scottish Friendly can grow with confidence, knowing that the delivery of its customer comms is future-fit.